Standard ATV-A 200 polish Zasady usuwania scieków z terenów o zabudowie rozproszonej - Mai 1997

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Produktnummer: A 200P
This Standard indicates possibilities for the economic realisation of an ordered disposal of wastewater in rurally structured regions. However, with all the currently discussed measures for cost reduction, the actual aims, protection of lakes and rivers and safety of local hygiene may not be placed in jeopardy. Wastewater treatment plants in rurally structured areas should not be planned, built and operated in accordance with the same principles and requirements as for urban areas, as otherwise the specific costs would be disproportionately high. It is the objective of this Standard to simplify the application of relevant Standards specially for rural areas and to promote creative solutions. In this respect proposals for cost reduction, which have often not been taken into account, have been summarised without restricting the design possibilities through new detailed prerequisites. is the preparation and listing.
Ausgabe: Mai 1997
Format: A4
Gruppe: Municipal Wastewater Treatment
ISBN: 978-3-927729-26-1
Kategorie: Rules and Standards
Seitenzahl: 30
Sprache: Polish
Verlag: DWA