Guideline DWA-M 144-3CZ - Supplementary Technical Contract Conditions (ZTV) for the Rehabilitation of Drainage Systems outside of Buildings - Part 3: Renovation with Hose Liner Process (locally cured hose liner) for Sewers - November 2012
105,00 €*
M 144 T3CZ-13
Damaged drains and sewers represent a hazard to the environment, especially the groundwater and soil. Various experiences have been made in rehabilitating damage using renovation processes with locally cured hose liners. Part 3 of the Advisory Guideline DWA-M 144 supplies supplementary harmonised, standardised technical contract conditions (ZTV) for this process. The supplementary technical contract conditions for local curing of hose liners deals with the renovation of drains and sewers outside of buildings, insofar as these drains and sewers are operated as open channel systems. These are designed so that the construction tendering and contract regulations – Part C: General technical specifications for construction services (ATV) and especially the: • ATV DIN 18299 “General construction contract procedures” and the • ATV DIN 18326 “Renovation works on drainage channels” are integral parts of the construction contract. The Association of Certified Rehabilitation Consultants for Drainage Systems e. V. (VSB) and the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) have agreed a cooperation with the objective of jointly continuing and advancing the existing supplementary technical contract conditions compiled by the VSB. The cooperation also has the objective of publishing these conditions in conformity with the valid DWA regulations laid down in the Advisory Guideline DWA-M 144 “Supplementary technical contract conditions (ZTV) for the rehabilitation of drainage systems outside of buildings”. VSB representatives contribute within the expert committees of the DWA to ensure that the benefi ts of the VSB recommendations recognised by the market also continue to exist within the DWA regulations. The transfer of these VSB recommendations into the DWA regulations creates clear benefi ts both for the grid operator, as well as for the designers and rehabilitation companies: the loophole still in existence in the DWA regulations will be closed as soon as possible, thus signifi cantly increasing the construction contract reliability in the future.
Ausgabe: | August 2013 |
Format: | A4 |
Gruppe: | Drain and Sewer Systems |
ISBN: | 978-3-944328-22-5 |
Kategorie: | Rules and Standards |
Seitenzahl: | 43 |
Sprache: | Czech |
Verlag: | DWA |
Vorschau "Guideline DWA-M 144-3CZ - Supplementary Technical Contract Conditions (ZTV) for the Rehabilitation of Drainage Systems outside of Buildings - Part 3: Renovation with Hose Liner Process (locally cured hose liner) for Sewers - November 2012"