Guideline ATV-M 755S - Determinación del Grado de Eficiencia de Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales - Agosto 1988
Guideline ATV-M 755S - Determinación del Grado de Eficiencia de Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales - Agosto 1988
Sewage works operator pocket book (Ucrainian translation)
The sewage works operator pocket book deals with the technical know-how that a specialist for Wastewater technology must have mastered and also contains many pictures and illustrations.
DWA-TópicoModelo de instrucciones de operación para el personal de pequeñas plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales
DWA-Tópico - Modelo de instrucciones de operación para el personal de pequeñas plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales
Standard ATV-A 200E - Principles for the Disposal of Wastewater in Rurally Structured Areas - May 1997
This Standard indicates possibilities for the economic realisation of an ordered disposal of wastewater in rurally structured regions.In this respect proposals for cost reduction, which have often not been taken into account, have been summarised without restricting the design possibilities through new detailed prerequisites. is the preparation and listing.
Standard ATV-A 200 polish Zasady usuwania scieków z terenów o zabudowie rozproszonej - Mai 1997
Standard ATV-A 200 polish Zasady usuwania scieków z terenów o zabudowie rozproszonej - Mai 1997
Sewage works operator pocket book (chinese)
Sewage works operator pocket book (chinese version) 14. German edition translated to Chinese 2000
Standard ATV-DVWK A 281E - Dimensioning of Trickling Filters and Rotating Biological Contactors - September 2001
The biological stage of wastewater treatment plants, employing trickling filters and rotating biological contactors without sludge return feed, is dealt with in this Standard. The standard applies only for rotating biological contactors without artificial aeration for the supply of the biofilm with the required oxygen.
ATV-DVWK-M 503E - Basic Information on Investigation and Remediation of Tailings Impoundments - December 2001
The focus of this advisory leaflet is thus on the plant safety from a constructional and hydraulic engineering point of view
Technical book sewage works operator (Russian)
Sewage works operator pocket book (russian version) - First edition 2002
ATV-DVWK-A 198E -Standardisation and Derivation of Dimensioning Values of Wastewater Facilities - April 2003
This Standard is concerned with the definition, collection, evaluation and examination of data as well as with the subsequent derivation of dimensioning values based on these for wastewater treatment plants and drainage systems.
PR-Broschure Expedition Water Wonder
Another informative booklet of the series ‚Clara clears it up`. Clever Clara, the little protagonist, and her friend Galaxicus experience fascinating adventures near brooks and rivers and, along the way, explain to their little readers the ecosystem ‘river’. For Kids age 6-10.
Guideline ATV-DVWK-M 362-2E - Handling of Dredged Material Part 2: Case Studies - October 2004
The case studies introduced describe possibilities of avoidance, restorage, usage, storage in water bodies and on land as well as reconditioning, recycling and finally disposal of dredged material from inland water bodies which are implemented in practice.
Standard DWA-A 138RO - Planning, Construction and Operation of Facilities for the Percolation of Precipitation Water (Romanian translation) - April 2005
Standard DWA-A 138RO - Planning, Construction and Operation of Facilities for the Percolation of Precipitation Water (Romanian translation) - April 2005
DWA-A 138E - Planning, Construction and Operation of Facilities for the Percolation of Precipitation Water - April 2005
The Standard provides planners, owners of buildings and authorities with an overview of the currently known measures and facilities for the percolation of precipitation water which have proved themselves in practice.
Guideline DWA-M 180E -Framework for Planning of Real Time Control of Sewer Networks - December 2005
The Advisory Leaflet discusses significant questions in the context of real time control concerning sewage discharge, stormwater treatment in separate sewers (overflow of contaminated fraction into combined sewers) and sewage treatment in combined sewage networks.
Clara clears it up - A Trip to the Underworld - 2006
Clara clears it up – A Trip to the Underworld’ is an informative, richly illustrated children’s story for kids aged six to ten.
DWA-A 100E - Guidelines of Integrated Urban Drainage (IUD) - December 2006
As a framework of action concerning the detailed regulations for urban drainage, this Standard is intended to ensure comprehensive processing as "integrated urban drainage".In this way, the approach and further development of integrated urban drainage according to consistent guidelines as well as the coordination of the single topics are to be ensured. At the same time the recommended measures intend to systematically create scopes for a flexible selection of technical solutions, measures and constructional systems. The development, dimensioning and constructive design as well as the operation of measures and systems is respectively dealt with in individual guidelines within the rules and standards.
Wastewater Engineering in Question and Answer for Trainees, Instructors and in Daily Operation - 2007
An informative, comprehensive, and up-to-date revision guide for the occupational training in wastewater engineering offering numerous tasks and solutions in order to prepare trainees in the field of wastewater engineering for the technician and master technician examinations
Guideline DWA-M 153F -Recommandations relatives au traitement des eaux pluviales - Aout 2007
Guideline DWA-M 153F -Recommandations relatives au traitement des eaux pluviales - Aout 2007
Guideline DWA-M 153E - Recommended Actions for Dealing with Stormwater - August 2007
This DWA-Guideline includes recommendations how to treat rainwater quantitatively and qualitatively in modified drainage patterns or serperate sewerage systems. It analyzes and structures complexe correlations
DWA-M 153RU - Recommended Actions for Dealing with Stormwater - August 2007 (Russian edition)
The Advisory Leaflet contains recommendations on the treatment of stormwater in terms of volume and quality in modified drainage or separated systems. It analyses and structures the following complex backgrounds: pollution and volume of the stormwater depending on usage and cover of the surface of origin; protection requirement of the groundwater; protection requirement of surface waters, derived from that, the required stormwater treatment that may be necessary prior to infiltration or discharge into surface waters.
Guideline DWA-M 381E - Sewage Sludge Thickening - October 2007
In 1998 the former ATV Sub-Committee 3.2 presented the working report "Thickening of Sewage Sludge". The various procedures and their efficiency and cost-effectiveness have been updated and are now presented in this Advisory Leaflet.
DWA-Topics - Treatment of Industrial Wastewater and Process Water with Membrane Processes and Membrane Bioreactor Technology - November 2007
Membrane processes play a major role in modern industrial water management. The topics consist of several parts. Part 1 deals with membrane processes per se, i.e. the application of this process step in the separation of undissolved, colloidal or dissolved matter. Part 2 describes the membrane bioreactor processes.
DWA-Topics - Anthropogenic Trace Pollutants in the Water Cycle, Pharmaceuticals - May 2008
DWA-Topics - Anthropogenic Trace Pollutants in the Water Cycle, Pharmaceuticals - May 2008