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Activated Sludge Expert with Aeration

ACTIVATED SLUDGE EXPERT is a program for the design and recalculation of single-stage activated sludge plants in accordance with the German Standard DWA-A 131 "Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge Plants". In contrast to earlier editions, in which the dimensioning procedure for nitrifying and denitrifying activated sludge plants was based on the measured BOD5 load, the design is now based exclusively on the COD load.

The extended version (combined version) oft he software also includes the calculation of diffused aeration in accordance with the Guideline DWA-M 229.
Ausgabe: Februar 2020
Format: Digital
Gruppe: Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Kategorie: Software
Sprache: English
Verlag: DWA
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DWA-A 131E - Dimensioning of Single-stage Activated Sludge Plants - June 2016 (translation May 2022)
Using the dimensioning values recommended in this Standard, the minimum requirements for municipal wastewater with single-stage activated sludge plants can be met or bettered at national level. In contrast to earlier editions, in which the dimensioning procedure for nitrifying and denitrifying activated sludge plants was based on the measured BOD5 load, the design is now based exclusively on the COD load.
DWA-Topics T4/2016 - Design of wastewater treatment plants in hot and cold climates (EXPOVAL) - corrected version May 2019
The design of wastewater and sludge treatment plants under deviating wastewater and climatic conditions in other countries requires an amendment of existing design rules compliant to the DWA Set of Rules, which have been primarily developed for Central European conditions. This concerns, for example, the consideration of high or low wastewater temperatures, increased salt content or special discharge requirements.
DWA-Topics - Non-Potable Water Reuse - Development, Technologies and International Framework for Agricultural, Urban and Industrial Uses - June 2019
This report is intended to provide general guidance for water utilities, consulting engineers and regulatory agencies for planning and expanding non-potable water reuse as an alternative freshwater supply, in particular for agricultural irrigation, urban landscape irrigation and other urban uses, and industrial practices.