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Guideline DWA-M 149-4E -Conditions and Assessment of Drain and Sewer Systems Outside Buildings - Part 4: Detection of Bedding Defects and Cavities by Means of Geographical Techniques - July 2008; check 2017 approved by experts

The Advisory Leaflet makes recommendations and provides information on measuring techniques, by means of which bedding defects and cavities can be detected in the surrounding of earth-buried pipelines. It describes possible applications and application limits of the measurement methods ground-penetrating radar (GPR), geoelectricity as well as seismic technology.
Additionally, research and development projects that make use of the measurement methods "acoustic inspection" and "gamma-gamma probe" are presented. For this purpose, relevant information is compiled for the most important areas of application when detecting bedding defects. The Advisory Leaflet lists areas of application that are based on practical experience. It addresses all institutions planning, operating and supervising in the field of condition recording and evaluation of drainage systems as well as companies that are assigned with condition evaluation.
Ausgabe: Juli 2008
Format: A4
Gruppe: Drain and Sewer Systems
ISBN: 978-3-941089-85-3
Kategorie: Rules and Standards
Seitenzahl: 32
Sprache: English
Verlag: DWA
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Guideline DWA-M 144-3E - Supplementary Technical Contract Conditions (ZTV) for the Rehabilitation of Drainage Systems outside of Buildings - Part 3: Renovation with Hose Liner Process (locally cured hose liner) for Sewers - November 2012
The supplementary technical contract conditions for local curing of hose liners deals with the renovation of drains and sewers outside of buildings, insofar as these drains and sewers are operated as open channel systems.